The 5 Worst Investment Advice for Stock Market Investors

As a seasoned investor (and considerably lucky to have a great mentor), I always sigh whenever I see terrible recommendations from the "internet's investment expert". It's unfortunate to see that there are, and there will be more people who listen and blindly believe them because they are interested in investing their hard-earned money. After all, the only way to achieve financial freedom is to consistently save and invest over a long period of After browsing and reading through tons of 'advice' from these internet experts, I will be listing down the top 5 worst investment advice against these "internet's investment expert".

Please note that these 'worst stock market' materials do not constitute any legal nor investing advice and was solely written on a personal basis to help the general market.

*to be continued*

Aizat Rahim

Aizat Rahim, Entrepreneur, INTJ

- Co-founder of & FNC Labs

- Sold 2x companies, 1 failed

How To Split & Structure Your Equity Amongst Your Co-founders (Part 1)